Perkins continues its technological advances in compliance with Tier4 standards

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Perkins continues its technological advances in compliance with Tier4 standards
Tuesday, January 13, 2009Description :
Perkins is studying the best antipollution solutions for the planet while respecting the needs of operators and manufacturers of non-road vehicles. To do this, the company is preparing to implement the Tier4 Interim Stage IIIB and Tier4 Final Stage IV standards, which will come into force in 2011 to succeed Tier3 Stage IIIA. These new standards will have a definite impact on all OEM machines, which is why Perkins is preparing to take up the challenge and decides to accompany all concerned.

What changes with the Tier4 Stage IIIB and Stage IV standards?

European legislation (VCA) and American legislation (EPA) are increasingly demanding when it comes to limiting polluting emissions.

- Reduction of particles:

When switching to Tier3 Stage IIIA, legislation (VCA and EPA) required a significant reduction in particulate emissions. As of 2011, the Tier4 Stage IIIB will demand an even greater reduction. To answer this question, Perkins proposes a filtering system for these particles and the installation of a single (T) or double (TT) Turbo.

- Reduction of NOx:

Until now, the previous standards did not require such a significant decrease in NOx. From now on, the arrival of the Tier4 Stage III and Stage IV implies that the engines considerably reduce these oxide molecules.

Due to technical difficulties, the decrease in NOx is less

Tier4 Stage IIIB, but is very consistent with the Tier4 Stage IV standard.

What are the external constraints of the Tier4 Stage IIIB and Stage IV standards?

Engines must emit the same pollution rate from -40 ° C to 38 ° C. It is the same if it is in high altitude.

The fuels that power the engine must be clean. The oil and coolant should be


The main constraint is the space taken by the oxidation catalyst and the particulate filter,

Approximately 40% more around the engine.

What are the solutions proposed by Perkins?

Opting for a solution is primarily about studying the benefits. The Perkins Design Office defines optimum technical and human solutions to meet the requirements of European (VCA) and US (EPA) legislation. The Perkins Research & Development department, already a forerunner of many innovations, concluded that the most efficient systems were the NOx particulate filtering system and the Turbo intake system (single or double).

- Ongoing field assessments

Until now, the conformity of an engine has been achieved under special conditions at the time of approval. From now on, the electronic engine management will ensure respect for polluting emissions and the environment. As of 2011, Perkins will intervene directly on the ground.

To perform these tests, the machines must be subjected to several cycles of operation defined according to their type. The Perkins team will control polluting emissions.

- A new range of engines

For each new standard, Perkins develops an engine range. Logical, to follow the Tier3 Stage IIIA range symbolized by the letter "D", the Tier4 Stage IIIB and Stage IV range will be marked with the letter "E".

The spearhead of this new range will be the 1200 series which will achieve a power output of 243 kW. The first models, scheduled to be released in 2011, will have a capacity of 7 liters (6 cylinders), followed by 6.6 liters (6 cylinders) and 4.4 liters (4 Cylinders).

- Human Solutions

Perkins strives to meet these new standards while providing machine builders with support throughout the Study and R & D phase.

To meet this new architecture of the engine, the company offers the manufacturers to help them install on their vehicles the systems best suited to their engine. To optimize the space required by the manufacturers, Perkins engineers accompany them by studying the shape of the filters or proposing a displacement of the latter around the engine. The assembly is sold separately and / or on the motor directly.

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